Yahweh is good just ask me, Group share

It saddens me when people are so hardened in heart to even explore the scriptures and evidence from theologians ect.
But i completely understand for scripture does state that until you are drawn to the truth from the father,do you finally become humble to explore what many are stating its taken 15 years for the truth to spread .
Im great full to Yahweh Yahuwshua and his faith to have teachers as well as the mighty ones for teaching , this does align with timothy about scripture to be profitable for so many things as you will see by the scripture i shared in the group discription ,Added here for those not on Facebook group Yahweh is good just ask me.
2Ti 4: 2. Proclaim the Word [Yâhuwshúa`], and stand firm opportunely or inopportunely to prove, admonish, and implore within all patience and instruction! 3. For there shall be a season [now] when they will not put up with uncorrupt teaching; instead, having an itching ear, they will pile over themselves instructors according to their own selves’ private cravings , 4. And they will turn the ear away from the Truth, and will be deflected onto the myths. 2 TIm 2:15. Study diligently to present yourself approved to Yâ-hwéh, an unashamed workman, who is correctly proclaiming the Word of Truth [Yâhuwshúa`] 2Ti 3:14. But you, stay within the things you did learn and were assured of, having discerned from Whom you did learn them, 15. even because you have understood the pure scriptures from infancy, which are able to make you wise for deliverance through the fidelity in the Anointed Yâhuwshúa`. 16. Every scripture inspired by Yâ-hwéh is also profitable for instruction, for proof, for rectification, to educate the one in justification, 8. And when it has come, that One will admonish the world (1) about sin and (2) about rectification and (3) about judgment. 9. (1) About sin indeed because they do not believe on Me, 10. (2) And about rectification, because I go away before My Father, and ye do not all discern Me yet, 11. (3) And about judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged. 2Ch 24:20 Then the Spirit of the mighty Ones came upon ZḵharYâhu son of Yâhuwyâḏâ` the priest, and he stood from above the people, and said to them, “Thus said the mighty Ones, ‘Why are you transgressing the commands of יהוה,Yâ-hwéh? so you shall not prosper because you have forsaken יהוה(Yâ-hwéh), so He has forsaken you.’
i was asked to remove a member from the group which i did due to there asking.
If your offended by what i share i am sorry but i will keep shareing what the father reveals to me as i believe im pleasing to the mighty ones for doing so .
If not well i will answer for it when i pass thru the fire,i know there a penalty for sharing in lies , so i believe my accurate searching that i share i believe to be in truth or i would not share.
Ive had a interesting life to say the least , which has allowed me to grow in wisdom of the father.
A pastor that ive known that loved Yahweh once said , That when you put your hands to the plough for Yahweh it is not work it is not effort it grows you in wisdom by being humble and open to explore the things that are presented , Im so glad i did, for the wisdom and knowledge that the mighty ones have taught me over the years has be a real eye opening enlightening experience.
For I once called on God Gad both sound the same meaning demon.
Strong's Concordance in its Hebrew dictionary at #1408/1409
Also called on ("Jesus") Zeus – is the principal demon of the Greeks, which has other names. One of those names is “Diós” and is found in Deeds (“Acts”) 14:13 (see below) in all Greek NTs, and is falsely being taught as a title for Yâ-hwéh, and replacing “’Elohíym” for Spanish-speaking Christians, supposedly as if it were a “translation”. “Diós” is one of the various names recognized as belonging specifically to Zeus, including Día, Diu (Div), and Dis. They are found in the Greek Dictionary in the Strong’s Concordance hidden under diorusso #1358, which means “to penetrate”, and is found in Mt 6:19, Mt 6:20, Mt 24:43, and Lu 12:39. Strong's #1358
("Lord") Bá`al - the Hebrew name of what translates as Greek Despotes, Latin Domine, Spanish Señor, and English Lord.
https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/Baal Baal (also Bel) proper noun
A male fertility god whose cult was widespread in ancient Phoenician and Canaanite lands.
From Hebrew ba‘al ‘lord’.
Credits to oxford dictionaries & Yahuwshua.org
I presented Thanks always To Yahweh Yahuwshua/Yahushua a twenty od minute testimony, link below,plus Yahweh is good just ask me Group share vlog.
Yahweh Is Good Just Ask Me, Group.